How Christmas Lights Affect Your Energy Bill and How to Save

Will the ever-increasing rise in energy prices, knowledge is power when it comes to Christmas decorations and their cost. It's important to balance the festive spirit with energy efficiency.

Watt Footprint has a few energy-saving tips to consider:

Use Reflective Surfaces:

Place decorations on or near reflective surfaces, such as mirrors or metallic decorations, to enhance the lighting effect without the need for additional lights.

Consider Battery-operated Lights:

If you want the flexibility to place decorations in areas without access to electrical outlets, consider using battery-operated lights. This can reduce the overall electricity consumption.

Unplug During Daytime:

Make it a habit to unplug your holiday lights during the day when they're not needed. This can significantly reduce energy consumption over the course of the season.

Recycle Old Decorations:

If you're considering updating your holiday decorations, consider donating or recycling your old ones. This reduces waste and promotes sustainability.

LED Lights:

Consider using LED Christmas lights, as they are more energy-efficient than traditional incandescent lights. LED lights use less power and last longer, making them a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option.

Solar-powered Decorations:

In addition to solar Christmas lights, there are other solar-powered decorations available, such as pathway lights and garden ornaments. These can add to your festive display without increasing your electricity bill.

Energy-Efficient Decorations:

When selecting decorations, look for those with energy-efficient features. For example, some inflatable decorations come with LED lights and energy-saving timers. They will work out cheaper in the long run.